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  • Writer's pictureNeuroMaker STEM

Gesture Blitz: Gesture Matching Showdown

Dive into the world of robotics and interactive game creation with our "Hand Matching Game" project! In this course, you’ll utilize the NeuroMaker Hand and a flex sensor glove to develop a game that tests your ability to replicate displayed hand gestures. When the NeuroMaker Hand shows a gesture, players must quickly match it using the flex sensor glove. An LED will indicate if the gesture is correctly matched, with optional features such as score tracking and progressively shorter response times to increase the challenge. Using block-based coding, you will learn to connect and program sensors, build custom code blocks, and create your own game logic, enhancing your skills in programming and engineering throughout the process.

Project Duration: 180 minutes

Group: 2-3 students per team

Necessary Supplies:

  • NeuroMaker Hand

  • Flex Sensor Glove

  • Laptops or tablets for coding

  • 2x LEDs

  • Button

  • Magnetic Sensor Board

  • Connection Cables

Pre-check Items:

  • Ensure the NeuroMaker Hand is assembled

  • Flex sensor glove is set up

  • Basic familiarity with block-based coding

  • Knowledge of connecting and using sensors and buttons

Learning Goals:

  • Code the NeuroMaker Hand to display and recognize gestures using the flex sensor glove

  • Integrate sensors and LEDs to build interactive game elements

  • Understand more complex code to prepare for the capstone competition

  • Strengthen problem-solving abilities through coding, robotics, and game development


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